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Maeve Smarick

JG Talks Resume Workshop

Tonight, we are joined by Jennifer Gershburg from JG Talks a former Business Law professor at the UMD Smith School who recently became a full-time college campus speaker, working with students to help them succeed. Today she shares her expertise on creating the perfect resume with UMD AMA.

She starts the session off by passing out her preferred resume template. This template is simple and clean. It includes education, experience, leadership, and honors/awards. It is similar to the UMD Smith Resume Templates found on HireSmith.

Jennifer emphasizes that recruiters look at your resume for a short time about, 6-9 seconds. She says you need to stand out and emphasize your experience by using bullet points to organize your information. She recommends always starting with an action verb, ensuring it is the proper tense and you use a variety throughout the resume.

“Employers look at your resume in 6-9 seconds, you need to stand out”

To inspire the creation of bullet points, Jennifer asks the room some questions about their experience to consider when writing their resume bullet points.

Ask these questions about your experiences before you start writing your bullet points

  • What skills have you developed?

    • You learn lots from all jobs - you just need to write about what you’ve learned effectively

  • Do you have obtainable results? Can you quantify your work?

    • It's okay if its not possible to perfectly measure, but its a great thing to show

  • What positive things about you did the job reflect

    • What did you learn to do, and what does this show about you?

To get more of a full picture of what to include in your resume, Jennifer goes through what to include and omit. Some things include weaving in specific keywords and skills from the job description or company website. She recommends not having things from high school unless you are a freshman trying to fill the page. College students should have a single page resume that is full. 

What to include?

  • Keywords and skills from the job description 

  • Anything relevant to the job you’re applying for

    • Industry, position, or skills

  • Anything that reflects something positive about you

  • Set your location to where the company is located

What to omit?

  • Things from high school - can be used to fill the page as a freshman, but try and remove it

  • GPA, only include if it is exceptional and makes you stand out

  • Colors/creative resume unless you are applying to strictly design organizations

To close out the session, Jennifer gives the AMA members the Do’s and Don’ts of LinkedIn. She says it is dynamic and interactive, and you should make the most of the resources and the network you can create on the platform.


  • Do’s

    • Be professional 

    • Engage with others

    • Have a service mindset: find how you can help others

  • Don’ts 

    • Rehash your resume

    • Be unprofessional

    • Grammatical errors

UMD AMA wants to thank Jennifer Gershberg for coming out today to give our AMA members the keys to success with their resumes. Her knowledge is so insightful! 

- Maeve Smarick


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